1.) Eight years ago today, i was sitting in one of my second grade classes, i don't remember which one, and our teacher rushed out of the room with another teacher for some reason. After 9/11 we started having moments of silence and also we put
American flags all over campus to remember the police, fireman, and everyone else that had helped that day. I didn't know much since i was only in second grade but i do remember seeing stuff about 9/11 on the news a lot.
2.) I believe that this country will remember the devastation of 9/11 forever.
3.) I think that terrorists chose to attack this country because we are one of the most powerful countries in the world.
4.) I do not know anyone who was directly affected by 9/11 although i do know that my music teacher has a son that worked in the twin towers but luckily he was sick that day and couldn't make it to work, otherwise I would have known someone it directly affected.
5.) If i were to write a story about 9/11 I would write it from the point of view of one of the firefighters or policeman that helped get survivors out of the twin towers that day because they got a first hand look at what happened.